
A professional EFL teacher with more than 25 years of practice in various areas of English language teaching: state and private schools, company courses, one to one tuition, teacher training, etc.
Author, editor, translator and developer of educational books and other materials, software and web sites.
Master of arts in English language teaching, linguistics, and literature, with excellent teaching and training skills, and efficient methodology.

What you get

  • pleasant and friendly atmosphere in the lesson
  • fun and enjoyable practice
  • a great chance to improve easily and fast, and gain fluency and confidence
  • lots of homework
  • worksheets and interactive exercises
  • exam materials and tips
  • email or chat contact between lessons
  • guaranteed success if you follow the instructions and tips


I always focus on the student's needs and goals, and I conduct the lessons accordingly, in a friendly and humorous atmosphere, with interesting materials and topics; and I show how to practise in a fun way so as to achieve fluency and confidence..
95% of my students have a lot of fun and very good results with me. Of course, you have to practise as much as you can. There isn't a single minute wasted in the lesson; if you're tired after it, we've done a good job..


  • general/comminucative English
  • special skills improvement (speaking, listening, reading, writing)
  • English for work/travel
  • exam preparation (FCE, TOEIC, IELTS, TEFL, etc.)
  • practical English grammar and usage
  • vocabulary extension
  • pronunciation and intonation development
  • teacher training


Prices are given in EUR, but other currencies are accepted as well.
Group lessons may have a 30-70% discount per person depending on the size of the group.

  • 30-minute introductory talk with level assessment - €10
  • single prepaid lesson - €32/hour
  • package of 5 prepaid lessons - €29/hour
  • package of 10 prepaid lessons - €25/hour
  • payment by PayPal, credit card or bank transfer


Click this button to send a message to enquire or apply.



Click these icons to contact on social media

EFLpractice        GeorgesEnglish        georges.english        GeorgesEnglish

Demo videos

Sample Materials

These samples are taken from social media posts (followed by about 400000 people).
Similar, but more extensive things are used in the online lessons, and/or given out for individual study.